How to Manage Your Divorce During Lockdown

Making things easier: Using Zoom to Resolve Your Family Law Needs

Navigating a divorce can be confusing and unsettling at the best of times much less during a pandemic. With Ontario’s stay-at-home order and closed courthouses, you might think that getting a divorce is impossible.

Through the convenience of Zoom, our team at Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers are able to conduct divorce proceedings safely and efficiently. We will help you resolve your divorce without setting foot in a courtroom.

Family law matters are now handled virtually, which enables us to represent anyone within the Province of Ontario.

Ontario Courts Adapting to Lockdown Restrictions

The COVID-19 pandemic has required Ontario courts to adjust to physical distancing requirements by temporarily closing courthouses, and by conducting hearings remotely via Zoom. Documents can now be submitted for filing electronically and signatures can be obtained with DocuSign.

Types of Cases Being Handled

The courts have been deferring many matters but have been prioritizing urgent matters, specifically in relation to the best interests of the children.

How RIA Team Can Help You

As a firm dedicated exclusively to the practice of family law, Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers has extensive experience helping individuals going through a separation or divorce via Zoom.

We regularly help our clients resolve issues surrounding:

  • child custody and access;
  • child support;
  • spousal support; and
  • division of property.

Many of our firm’s lawyers are also trained in Collaborative Practice and Mediation. While our goal is always to resolve our clients’ matters in the most amicable way possible without engaging in litigation, our lawyers are prepared to be your fierce advocates and will argue your case before the Family Court when an agreement cannot be reached.

We’re here to help make your family law dispute easier. It’s our job! Use the form below to arrange a consultation with one of our team: