If your situation involves special circumstances such as addiction, disability, or elderly and vulnerable adults, the following organizations can help you.
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
Provides legal advice and information to low-income seniors 60 years of age and older on issues such as elder abuse, home care, nursing homes and homes for the aged, and powers of attorney.
ARCH Disability Law Centre
Provides legal information to people with disabilities, and some representation in precedent-setting cases involving disability issues. ARCH has an accessible library of materials on disability-related issues that is open to the public.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Provides support, treatment, and education for people with mental health and addiction problems and their families. Publications on youth and addiction, and information on drug and alcohol policies in Ontario schools are available through their web site.
1-800-463-6273 (bilingual)
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, Ministry of the Attorney General
Helps protect the interests of mentally incapable adults. Provides information on powers of attorney and living wills, and on decision-making about financial and health care issues. Also distributes power of attorney kits.
1-800-366-0335 (bilingual)