Video: How Ontario Family Law Cases Can Differ from Those That Simply Involve Families & Family Lawyers
The Basics: Family Court and Rules
Fortunately, the typical person will not need to become an expert on how the Ontario family law system operates. Exposure to the legal system typically results from an unfavourable instance. The family court system is therefore foreign to the majority of individuals. The Ontario family courts and the rules that must be observed while appearing before them are described in this succinct and basic overview.
How Not to Act in Family Litigation
Court cases involving other individuals may be quite informative since they offer a useful and cost-fee lesson on the types of conduct and behaviour the courts find inappropriate. Here are three suggestions on what not to do and how not to act during your own family litigation, using some recent Ontario family law cases as a model.
Courtly Impressions
Many people will have had the opportunity to appear in court at least once in their life, even if it was just to contest a traffic ticket. The procedures itself are controlled by a number of specific rules and precedents, and the setting is by definition solemn and subject to rigorous etiquette about decorum. The family courts in Ontario are no different. As a result, family court judges seldom have the freedom to discuss the more human components of the issues that are brought before them for settlement. This brief part offers a look into certain Ontario judges’ inner views as they were articulated in a few court decisions with the goal of teaching readers valuable lessons on what not to do in a family law dispute.