Video: Russell Alexander, Family Lawyers
There are more potential strategies that go even further outside of the norm of the Family Court system; however Alternative Dispute Resolution and Collaborative Practice continue to lead the charge in terms of traditional solutions. These solutions include Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and Small Claims Court, both of which are briefly discussed below.
What Is ODR? And Should It Be Part of The Ontario Justice System?
In Canada, there is a push to establish ODR. Although there can be a variety of frameworks, this technique of conflict resolution typically uses mediators or arbitrators as well as other resources that are accessible online and frequently available 24/7.
Can Some Family Law Matters Be Taken to Small Claims Court?
The question of whether separated common-law spouses could have some if their outstanding concerns handled in Small Claims Court rather than having to take the matter to Family Law Court was decided in a 2012 Ontario Superior Court of Justice judgment, Matteau v. Johnson.[1] In this instance, the couple had a roughly three-year common-law relationship. The woman filed a Small Claims Court action against the man after their separation to get the money she claimed he owed to her as per a verbal agreement.