Is there Client Confidentiality?

Solicitor-client privilege is the foundation of the lawyer-client relationship.  Legal advice cannot be given and justice cannot be done unless clients have the freedom to discuss their matters with their lawyer, making confidentiality and loyalty fundamental to the relationship between a lawyer and a client.

Lawyers are required to hold in strict confidence at all times and in regards to all information concerning the business of their client during the course of their professional relationship.  They cannot reveal any such information unless formally authorized by the client themselves, or is required to do so by law.

All of the information that you provide to your lawyer is private and all of the details regarding your case will be handled with complete confidentiality and respect for your privacy.  The privilege of solicitor-client confidentiality is, in law, a protection that belongs to the client.  It is up to the client and the client alone, whether or not that confidentiality is to be waived.

Lawyers are frequently contacted by new partners or family members who want to discuss a client’s case.  However, clients have to give their lawyer specific instructions to permit any discussion on their case.  Additionally, clients will still be billed for the time a lawyer spends discussing the client’s case with anyone at their request, or in the context of their file.