Each year, Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers takes the opportunity to show th...
Category: Community Involvement
Wrapping Up the 4th Annual Toy Drive
Wrapping Up the 4th Annual Toy Drive Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers has co...
Russell Alexander Law Firm Pledges Funds to Purchase Toys for Ontario Non-Profit
Family law firm will donate to Oshawa group that works with children in need Russell Alexa...
Scholarship available for high school grads pursuing law
Since 2017, the Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers has annually given a schola...
First Year University Students Offered a Second Chance at $2,500 Scholarship
Russell Alexander Law Scholarship Application Deadline Extension Application Deadline: Oct...
Russell Alexander Family Law Firm Offers University Scholarship to High School Graduates Interested in Studying Law
Winner will receive up to $2,000 for tuition, $500 for school supplies Russell Alexander C...
Giving Fund 2020: Home Again Benefit Concert
Each year, Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers takes the opportunity to show th...
Russell Alexander Sponsors Local Holiday Decorating Contest, Light Up Lindsay, To Help Spread the Christmas Cheer
Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers is a proud sponsor of Light Up Lindsay. Th...
Russell Alexander’s Third Annual Toy Drive a Huge Success
Here at Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers, we held our third annual holiday t...
Russell Alexander Holds Third Annual Toy Drive Virtually, This Year, Due to COVID-19
Here at Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers, we are holding our third annual ho...