About the Author
Russell Alexander is the founder of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers and Amazon bestselling author. Having practiced family law for over 25 years, Russell crafts creative solutions unique to each client, enabling them and their families to move forward with their lives. Russell is passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience of collaborative practice, technology, and family law at various conferences. He is the host of a podcast and virtual event series, Family Law Now. Russell established the Russell Alexander Giving Fund to support the community through his firm’s charitable work. He is a member of several local collaborative practice groups and law associations.
For media inquiries, please contact our Marketing Director, Daphne Brookes at md@russellalexander.com.

AI and the Legal Profession
Russell Alexander’s Guide to Separation, Divorce, and Family Law
Now Available on Amazon!
Get your copy of AI and the Legal Profession today on Paperback or Kindle!
Will AI improve access to justice and reduce costs?
Can you be negligent for failing to implement AI in your practice?
Russell Alexander answers these questions and more by examining how the development of AI is revolutionizing the legal industry, and the benefits and challenges to remaining competitive. With Russell’s ChatGPT guides and other tools, learn how to provide high-quality legal services to meet the evolving needs of clients in the digital age.
Russell has authored four books on separation, divorce, and family law. He is a fully-trained collaborative family lawyer, and a member of several collaborative practice groups. With over 25 years of experience, Russell serves clients in all aspects of family law. He shares his knowledge and expertise by speaking on collaborative practice, marketing, technology and the law at conferences with the Canadian Bar Association, American Bar Association, TECHSHOW, International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP), Pubcon, and as Chair of the Law Society of Ontario’s Technology and Family Law.
“Alexander’s visionary insights and extensive expertise provide a compelling perspective on automated legal tasks, AI-assisted research, and ethical considerations. This book bridges the gap between technology and practice, making it essential for legal professionals and scholars.”
-Billie Tarascio, Founder of Modern Law
“Russell Alexander is always on the cutting-edge of leveraging technology. Every lawyer needs to read this book, so you understand and can take advantage of the opportunities that AI offers. The AI revolution has begun. Don’t be left behind.”
-Brian Galbraith, B.A., LL.B., LL.M., ODR Specialist, Acc.F.M., Owner of Galbraith Family Law Professional Corporation, President of International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
“This is a necessary read for everyone in the legal profession and wants to know more about Ai. Russell explores not only the benefits of Ai but also the challenges, how it works and how it can be used to improve your business. Technology is here to stay and this helps to make it a little less scary for everyone to use properly.”
-Carrie Heinzl, HBSc., CDFA, CDS, FDRP Med, Founder of Fairmore Family Law Financial Solutions
“Legal technology has reached an inflection point where with the introduction of AI, it has the potential to drastically impact the legal profession for the better. Russell Alexander has lead the charge on this front not only for lawyers but for clients as well. In AI and the Legal Profession, he outlines everything you need to know to operate effectively in this new paradigm.”
-Jerry Zhou, Co-Founder & CEO of DocEquity
“Once again, Mr. Alexander has demonstrated that he is a leader in the family law field, preparing others for waves of change that roll through and alter the profession forever. Mr. Alexander is on top of the latest tidal wave about to hit the family law field: AI. Love it or hate it, AI is, without a doubt, in the process of transforming our society (including the family law field) forever in profound and fundamental ways. Mr. Alexander’s latest book on AI and law is an essential tool to help ensure that your practice is ready for, and will thrive, during the coming AI wave. This is not just a tool for lawyers, but also for paralegals, social workers, psychologists, family mediators, and any other family law professionals, all of whom will be impacted by this latest trend in the technology world.”
-Jonathan Paynter, Accredited Family Mediator, Registered Social Worker, and Psychotherapist
“Russ writes about this complex subject matter in a manner that every lawyer can understand. If you are a lawyer looking for ways to serve your clients better or improve the profitability of your law firm, this is the book for you.”
-Kenneth E. Peck, Owner of The Peck Law Firm, L.L.C.
“Russell Alexander has written a must-read primer on AI and the legal profession! Read this book and learn from one of the best and foremost experts on this increasingly important tool in our industry. Russell takes you beyond theory and delivers practical applications of AI that you cannot afford to miss.”
-Michelle T. Dellino, CEO and Founding Attorney of Dellino Family Law Group
“As usual, Russ approaches his subject with thoughtfulness, creativity, and balance. He does a masterful job of not only explaining the power of this emerging technology, but accurately describing the dangers of its potential misuse. It is not an understatement to say that Russ is a leader in the advancement of family law, and this resource is sure to be an important guide to AI”.
-Richard A. Harris, B.A., J.D., Attorney & Managing Partner of The Harris Law Firm

Zoom Divorce
“I think you’re muted!”
If you’ve heard this before, chances are you are familiar with Zoom. Perhaps to share a virtual meal with friends and family in the height of the pandemic. Or perhaps in an attempt to sway a life-changing court order in your favour.
From lawyers in cat filters and swimsuits to clients allegedly discussing illegal drugs during court recess while accidentally unmuted, navigating this new territory has been a journey, to say the least.
For many, divorce is the single most stressful and time-consuming event of their life. The pandemic adds further layers of complexity with courthouses temporarily closed and hearings being conducted remotely via Zoom.
Zoom Divorce reviews the court’s pivot to digital and virtual hearings and examines CaseLines, a document-sharing and storage platform for civil and family proceedings.
Complete with real-life case examples, resources, and FAQs, Zoom Divorce, Russell Alexander’s Guide to Separation, Divorce, and Family Law, provides a detailed approach to handle the intricacies of spousal support, division of marital property, child custody, and more over Zoom. Learn helpful tips on how to work effectively with your lawyer and prepare for your Zoom divorce.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Divorce
Including Divorce During a Pandemic
In his second book, Russell Alexander answers the questions he’s heard the most from clients about divorce. This book is a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about divorce, from the basics of choosing a law firm to alternatives of going to court, to the legal process itself.
When he first sat down to write this book, the pandemic had not yet hit North America. Since then, the way that clients, lawyers, and judges interact has changed dramatically, while families working through divorce and custody issues have faced new questions and concerns. The law has not yet caught up to these changes, and some may prove to be only temporary. But it’s clear that the pandemic will affect divorce, just as it’s already affected everything from handshakes to air travel.
In response, the book includes a special bonus chapter answering new questions raised by the pandemic from how to handle custody during a quarantine, to how court operations have changed to how to work with your lawyer remotely.
Alexander discusses options such as alternative dispute resolution, four-way settlement meetings and collaborative practice, which his experience has shown to be less contentious and less stressful ways for a couple to make tough decisions on mutually-owned property, custody arrangements, and child support.
Divorce is never easy. Divorce during a pandemic is even harder. But Alexander’s new book can help families make the decisions that will leave them on solid ground, emotionally, physically and financially.
“Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Divorce developed guidelines – with the
help of social workers – on how to keep an already stressed relationship intact. The book
touches on options for divorce, alternative dispute mechanisms and collaborative
practices including collaborative divorce.”
“Reading the pandemic chapter alone provides invaluable information
for anyone considering a divorce.”
-The Toronto Star

The Path to a Successful Divorce
While the breakdown of a marriage is never an easy or happy time, the process can go smoothly or it can be a roller coaster. On top of all the emotional turmoil, it is time-consuming, costly and very confusing.
That’s why Russell Alexander has written a book outlining the path to a successful divorce, taking readers step-by-step through the process from finding a lawyer to handling post-litigation issues.
In 300+ pages, Alexander’s new book, The Path to a Successful Divorce, which has been an #1 Amazon bestseller, aims to give readers a solid grounding on the key questions about family law that they’ll face as they go through a divorce, including whether they’ll need a separation agreement first, how courts view adultery and why representing yourself is a bad idea.
Some of the questions the book will address include:
- How do I go about finding a good divorce lawyer?
- What can I expect to happen in Family Law Court?
- How do we divide all our possessions?
- Do I have to go to court to get a divorce?
- With a separation agreement, I don’t need to get a divorce, right?
- Are there other options?
The Path to a Successful Divorce brings you real-life experiences, helpful lists and tips, and insightful articles to assist you in answering some of the questions above. This book will help you to work with your lawyer in a more effective and cost-efficient manner.
Having an accomplished and experienced lawyer on your side will go a long way to help you negotiate the system, ensure that you’ve covered all the bases, and head you off on a fulfilling new direction.