Summary: This Ultimate FAQ Guide provides information about the 2023 Bencher Election, which will be conducted by the Law Society of Ontario in accordance with the Law Society Act and By-law 3. Eligible voters, including lawyers and paralegals in good standing with the Law Society, will be able to vote online or by paper ballot, with the option to cast up to 40 votes for lawyer candidates and up to 5 votes for paralegal candidates. Voter anonymity will be maintained through a third-party service provider, and the results of the election will be announced on the Law Society’s website. A Voting Guide, prepared by a committee of lawyers and paralegals, will provide information about the candidates running for election, and eligible voters will receive voting instructions and control numbers in early April 2023.
Q: Who will conduct the 2023 bencher election?
A: The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) will conduct the 2023 bencher election.
Q: What are the voting procedures for the 2023 bencher election?
A: Eligible voters will receive voting instructions and control numbers by email, and they will be able to vote online or by paper ballot. Voters will be able to cast up to 40 votes for lawyer candidates and up to 5 votes for paralegal candidates.
Q: What languages will the 2023 bencher election be conducted in?
A: The 2023 bencher election will be conducted in English and French.
Q: What is the Law Society Portal account and how is it used for voting?
A: The Law Society Portal account is an online account that lawyers and paralegals use to manage their information with the Law Society. It is also used for voting in the bencher election.
Q: How will voter anonymity be maintained during the election?
A: Voter anonymity will be maintained through a third-party service provider that will receive the votes and ensure that they are anonymous.
Q: Who is eligible to vote in the 2023 bencher election?
A: All lawyers and paralegals who are in good standing with the Law Society are eligible to vote in the 2023 bencher election.
Q: What is the Voting Guide and how is it prepared?
A: The Voting Guide is a document that provides information about the candidates running for election. It is prepared by a committee of lawyers and paralegals who review the candidates’ materials and develop questions for them.
Q: When will voting instructions and control numbers be sent to eligible voters?
A: Voting instructions and control numbers will be sent to eligible voters in early April 2023.
Q: What should I do if I don’t receive my control number?
A: If you do not receive your control number, you should contact the Law Society’s Membership Services department.
Q: How many votes can I cast in the election?
A: Eligible lawyers can cast up to 40 votes for lawyer candidates.
Q: How will the results of the election be announced?
A: The results of the election will be announced on the Law Society’s website.
Q: How often are bencher elections held by the Law Society?
A: Bencher elections are held every four years
Q: How will the 2023 Bencher Election be conducted?
A: The 2023 Bencher Election will be conducted by online and telephone voting in both French and English in accordance with the Law Society Act and By-law 3 made pursuant to the Law Society Act. Computershare, a third-party company, has been hired by the Law Society to conduct the election.
Q: Will voter anonymity be ensured?
A: Yes, voter anonymity will be ensured. Computershare will randomly assign a unique personal voter identification number, called a control number, to every eligible voter. The control number is required to access the internet voting system and the telephone voting system.
Q: Who are eligible voters?
A: People who are lawyer and paralegal licensees of the Law Society and whose licences have not been suspended on April 12, 2023, are eligible to vote in the bencher election. Lawyer licensees vote for lawyer candidates, and paralegal licensees vote for paralegal candidates.
Q: How can voters access candidate information?
A: The Law Society will publish a Voting Guide to provide voters with information about the candidates running in the bencher election. Separate Voting Guides will be published for the lawyer candidates and the paralegal candidates.
Q: How many lawyer benchers will be elected?
A: Forty lawyer benchers will be elected – 20 from inside Toronto and 20 from outside Toronto. Of the 40 lawyer benchers, eight will be elected as regional benchers. The regional bencher is the lawyer candidate within each region who receives the most votes from lawyer voters in that region.
Q: How many paralegal benchers will be elected?
A: Five paralegal benchers will be elected province wide.
Q: How can eligible voters cast their votes?
A: During the third week of April 2023, voting instructions and the control number for each eligible voter will be posted to their Law Society Portal account. This information will also be sent by email at that time to all eligible voters by Computershare. The information will enable voters to access the election website, online internet voting system, the telephone voting system and the online Voting Guides.
Q: How can eligible voters vote by internet?
A: On the day the election opens online, voters will go to the election website through the link provided by Computershare, where they will be prompted to enter their control number to access the voting site. Once they are logged into the system, the list of candidates will be displayed and voters will be instructed on how to vote online.
Voting in the 2023 Bencher Election is an essential part of the democratic process for lawyers and paralegals in Ontario. It is crucial to exercise the right to vote to ensure that the Law Society of Ontario is represented by the most qualified candidates who will serve the LSO members and the public interest.