Welcome to the team, Jennifer Diamond

Our team continues to grow with our newest member, Jennifer Diamond! Jennifer has joined Russell Alexander as a Law Clerk. She will be stationed in our Lindsay office for the majority of the week and in the Brooklin office on Wednesdays.woman's hand on apple laptop track pad on desk

Jennifer received a dual diploma and was on the Deans list at Sir Sanford Fleming College for Law Clerk and Paralegal. She has taken courses in Computer Security & Investigations and Preparatory Health Science.

Jennifer’s hobbies include soccer, snowboarding, guitar, journaling, four wheeling, baking, and travelling. She aspires to experience more of the world by travelling to remote locations. She has been to Newfoundland, Florida, Mexico, and Grand Cayman Islands.

Kindly welcome Jennifer to our team by sending her an email at jennifer@russellalexander.com

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